A Massage Venn. Kinda.



I wish finding a new massage therapist was easier, it can be hard though.

Recently, I've been looking for someone new, so I've been reminded that the task is a little daunting. Similar to buying a new pair of shoes, you have to try them on to see how they fit and if they will serve your needs. Sometimes you get everything you want in the first attempt. Sometimes, it takes a few tries to find exactly what you're looking for!

The money.

Massage is an expense. I've talked about how I know that and try to create clear expectations for potential clients. Not all massage therapists do this. It's scary to know if going to a new therapist will serve the needs I'm going for when I have to hand over money for it. I've had a pretty crappy experience, so crappy I was almost in tears and it was something I had been so excited to do, but that's not the norm. Even the not so great massages I've received, still helped me in a small way.

The rapport.

Will I jive with this new person? Will they get my twisty sense of humor? Will I feel comfortable around them? Are they going to "cleanse my blockages"? Or "clear my energy"?These are always important things that go along with the skill of a massage therapist. This would be my therapist equivalent of Barney's "Hot/Crazy Scale" on How I Met Your Mother.

The place.

Am I going to feel relaxed in the space? If it's to glamorous and elegant, I may feel like I'm in a museum. If it's not clean, I'll lay there during my massage wondering if the sheets are clean. Nothing is worse than laying on sheets that smell rancid from oil. They stink. It's awful and it's not relaxing. I'll also pay attention if the therapist "stacks sheets"* another eeeewwww factor. If it's too cluttered, my mind can't let go.Is the place easy to get to? Is it convenient? Is the parking stressful?

The skill.

Does the therapist know what they are doing? I get not every therapist will approach a problem in the same manner I would, that's actually one of the things I like about new therapists!  If it helps, great! Now, if I go complaining of my feet hurting and more time is spent on my shoulders because they are usually up near my ears, I get irritated. Or if I go for a reflexology appointment and a get an hour long foot rub, that's not a specialized skill.Does the therapist have enough variety in their strokes? I once spent a massage counting how many times a therapist did the same stroke in a row. The record was 16. That much repetition makes it difficult for your body to achieve relaxation. (It's not just my thing, it's an actual thing.)

The time.

Did I get what I was paying for? If a place advertises 50 minute massage hours, ok. What gets me pissed though is when they advertise 60 minutes and you only get 50, or 45 or whatever it is. I want transparency in what I'm spending my money on.Are we starting on time or is this going to be a therapist that runs late all of the time?How easy is it to get in touch with this therapist? I hate playing phone-tag. If it's a hassle to make an appointment, I'm probably going to move on.These are the factors I look for. Just like trying on shoes, don't give up, there's a perfect fit out there!*When a therapist, in an attempt to save time, layers multiple sets of sheets on top of each other, so they'll just remove the top set and put their next client on the set below. It. Is. Disgusting.For the record I know this is not an actual Venn diagram. I just suck at naming things and I like the Big Bang Theory, so I'm taking some creative liberty.[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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