No Resolutions. Just 3 words this year.


I'm not big into resolutions. I like to reflect on my previous year, set a few vague goals, and then move right on in to the new year. This year a new challenge was presented to me. I have to admit it was quite thought provoking. I stewed on the project and quickly found that it kind of took over my thoughts as much as anything can when you have a sick little.These are the words that resonated with me this past week: Strategic. Love. Joy.


I have felt like most of the last 2 years I've spent in survival mode. 2013 I spent most of the year pregnant and anticipating my little. 2014 was spent adjusting to the little. It was a fly by the seat of my pants and just make it through period for sure. I'm exhausted by that kind of living. This year I really need to be focus on not just surviving but thriving. Making strategic choices, not just an easy choice that will get me through.


I'm turning 40 this year. I think I've reached a point where I'm only willing to surround myself with things and people I love. My first step to this was actually moving into our new office. I love going to work now instead of being constantly reminded of the go-around I was having with my landlord over various issues. I LOVE the new space, and I hope to make it a space that clients love just as much as I do. I also love being a mother and want to continue to nurture that relationship.


If it's not something that brings me joy, I want to stop doing it. Part of this will be focusing on the "right" clients for Balance and Peace. I'm really not interested in just any body to fill the tables. Our work is at it's best when we have clients that it's a joy to work with. Don't worry, it doesn't mean our clients need to be full of sunshine and glitter, we like real. Part of this relates to love.This exercise is from Chris Brogan. Read his full explanation here if you're interested in changing your New Year's process this year.What would your 3 words be for 2016?

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