Being a Better You in 2013

The holidays have kept me busy, so while I am a little late with this post, it's not too late to make a new resolution for 2013.Resolve to make massage a priority in your life.  You will be a better partner, daughter, son, mother, father, sister, brother, etc.  Whatever hat you wear or title you possess, massage will make you a better YOU!  You become more effective.Endorphins will be released.Pain levels will be decreased.Restore balance to your life.  It’s important for your mental well-being, as well as for your muscular-skeletal system.  Pain and dysfunction can be caused by muscle imbalance.  Long muscles vs. short muscles.  Weak muscles vs. tight muscles.You will sleep better.  Giving your body its opportunity to recover and repair.Massage reduces stress.  Living with less stress, equals living a healthier life.  Stress does nasty things to our bodies.  It prevents our body from reaching homeostasis.  Homeostasis is the equilibrium our body tries to achieve to work properly.  Stress also releases nasty hormones and increases our risks for diseases.Use massage as a tool to stay on track with your weight loss and fitness goals.  If you are starting a new fitness regime to lose weight, your muscles will talk back to you!  Don't let a little soreness defeat you.  Massage can also be used to facilitate improving your performance.   Don’t let your fitness goals be derailed due to injury, pain, stiffness, or inflexibility.  Regular sports massage can keep you on track!Feel better.Live with less pain.Be happy.It’s not a difficult resolution to keep.  We have very flexible scheduling at Balance and Peace.  You can schedule your appointment online, call, email, or text Rianne, or call the Fitness Center at Tyndall!  (Our online scheduling system is pretty nifty!  It will send reminders via email or text too.  Plus, you can schedule your appointment without your coworkers listening to the conversation.)Make your health a priority this year!We hope 2013 brings health, peace, and abundance to your life!  Happy New Year!  Happy New YOU!!

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